Lantana camara is an abnoxious weed in the forests. It is highly adaptable species and has good regeneration capacity both from seeds and coppice shoots. The eradication of this weed from the forest areas is a serious issue of forest management. It poses great challenges to the foresters as it hinders the regeneration of the local species. It suppresses the local species by competing with recruits of local species for various resources. Keeping these points in view, the Uttaranchal Forest Department has taken up the management of Lantana camara in the Sal forests.
The present work has been carried out in the Sal forests of
Due to the efforts of the Forest Department the Lantana has been completely removed in an area of five ha. The technique of cutting the Lantana bushes in the collar region at a depth of 3-4 cm below ground level was found to be effective. The height of cutting the bushes is very important. Because if they are cut above the ground level, the Lantana produces number of coppice shoots and spreads vigorously. Again the process has to be repeated many times in order completely eradicate the weed. And also the seeds of this weed have longer viability, its necessary to carry out the exercise repeatedly. The area has been burnt after heaping the cut bushes of Lantana. This could have been avoided as much of the advance growth of native species has been burnt.